Who: Lily, Edward
Where: Dock
When: Later morning
Rating: Pg
Status: Closed, completed
Summary: Lily is sulking out on the docks, pondering the misery of her situation when she's joined by Edward. The two of them talk for a bit, and Lily tries to deflect conversation away from her situation by asking Edward about Bella.
They talk for a bit about Chaos before Lily lets the conversation drift to her present situation as Edward points out her thoughts are very loud. She apologizes for that, and eventually she decides to head in, her situation still unresolved.
Lily had been officially released from the infirmary, though Laurel had informed her that there would likely still be a scar. Lily wasn't sure she really cared. It was just her back, and in the grand scheme of things, it didn't really matter.
Lily was starting wonder what did matter anymore.
As she perched on the end of the dock, her bare feet dangling above the water, she was aware of the irony of her position here. The last time she'd come out here, she'd been in the midst of one guy too many.
Now, she had neither of them. No, the irony was not lost on her.
Gazing out across the water, Lily let her thoughts roam.