Who: Quinn, Jan, Ice
Where: Dorms
When: Early Evening
Rating: PG
Status: Closed/Finished
Summary: Quinn wakes up in a room that's not his and reads through the missives before heading out the door and running into Jan. They briefly discuss Quinn's reason for being here, and a bit about the way DauphinMare works before she leads him to see Ice. Quinn checks in, serves up a little banter about Christmas, and takes off to go figure himself out.
Quinn cracked his fingers one by one, looking around. This was different. Not his room at the Guild, surely. Well, fine.
Gaze shifting to the desk, he spotted the papers. Thinking they might be some kind of missive as to who he was to assassinate here, he read them thoroughly, then read them again since he'd gotten nothing of the sort he'd been looking for the first go round. Still nothing. Just a bunch of nonsense about a world between worlds and what have you. Raising an eyebrow, he gave the papers a glare, repressing the urge to pin them to the desk with a knife. That would have been a waste, though, and one of the rules was Waste Not, Want Not. He might need the blade later.
Stepping into the hallway, he surveyed his surroundings, musing to himself that he'd been pulled to the side of Light. An assassin. It was laughable.