Who: Morgan, Caleb
Where: Traveler's Lounge, Business district, Morgan's room
When: after lunch
Rating: PG for implications/references
Status: Closed, completed
Summary: Morgan is 'hiding' in the lounge when Caleb finds her. They talk for a bit, and it comes out that she was the one rescued from Riverfell. They talk about Christmas, which leads to talk of shopping and Morgan's admission that she was going to do it later. Caleb offers to go with her, and after some hedging, Morgan agrees.
They wander to the business district and hit a shop or two before settling on their presents - cookies from Caleb, chocolates and a stuffed dinosaur from Morgan.
With their presents picked, Caleb discovers the need to find wrapping paper, so they visit a stationery store. Morgan finds a calligraphy kit to make their cards with, so Caleb just buys paper. They retreat to Morgan's room to make the cards and wrap the presents.
Once she's done with the cards, Morgan decides it's nap time, and she stretches out on her bed. She and Caleb continue to talk for a bit, and after promising to keep her safe, he joins her on the bed to cuddle a little as she falls asleep.
Having had no desire to go check out the pitch, and preferring not to venture out into the business area while it was so busy, Morgan had retreated to the lounge after lunch. She'd drawn a book from the shelf there, and she'd settled herself on The Couch to think about her present. She wasn't sure who Wash was, nor what to really get for a person.
If she'd been braver, she would have sought him out. Scoured the rooms until she'd found him ... but she wasn't that brave, yet. She wasn't sure she'd ever be that brave. There was still some disbelief regarding the fact that no one was going to hurt her, here, and she wasn't ready to accept it.
When you're accustomed to abuse ... it's hard to imagine a world without it.