Who: Tristan, Cedric, Albus, Rose, Lily, James, Harry, Sirius, Remus, Kat, Jayne, Emmett, Jan, Eric
Where: The newly arrived pitch
When: just after breakfast.
Rating: PG
Status: Closed, assumed completed
Tree I:
After Ced gets the balls out onto the field, the current players discuss playing and the pitch in general. After Al gets Kat settled in the bleachers, he joins the game and there is some surprise between him and Harry when they realize they're related - or rather, when Harry correctly assumes they are.
Once they more or less pick sides, Al changes the colors of their robes so they know which team they're on, and they play for a bit. Presumably until they get tired.
Tree II:
Albus takes Kat to the bleachers, where Jayne is sitting to watch the match. Jayne tries to decide if he's concerned about Kat's condition or not, and isn't sure, but his thoughts are easily redirected toward his usual train of thought. Emmett joins them, and there is some discussion about what's going on on the pitch.
Jan and Eric make a brief cameo, but Jan decides quidditch isn't interesting enough to keep her there while the other men are mocking Eric. Kat is easily distracted by Jayne, and she attempts to be a little flirty, despite her injuries, but soon decides to beg off and offers him a raincheck.
Upon attempting to leave to go see a healer and have a nap, Kat bumps into Rose. The two girls chat and - for Jayne's benefit - Kat is a little 'friendly' with Rose before they leave to go get Rose a broom.
Tristan had suspected the appearance of a pitch when the broomstore showed up. Because, really, who would put brooms in a place you had no where to fly them? He was glad he and Remus had checked out the brooms the day before; he wasted no time in hurrying there to buy one. It wasn't the best one they had, but it was a servicable one all the same. He'd also chipped in to get a set of balls - couldn't very well play without them.
Carrying the trunk with Cedric, already debating team formations and who'd be what position, Tristan grinned.
He could almost forget about most of what had gone on last night. He didn't really want to think about it, anyway - thinking about quidditch was better.
Once he and Ced arrived, Tris mounted his broom and started to fly around the pitch. It felt right - the dimension and proportions - and if he simply ignored the mountains, he could pretend he was back at school.