Who: Oryon, open
Where: Dorms, Cafeteria
When: Early to Mid Morning
Rating: ...Harmless
Invasion: Only if you dare...
Status: Open
Summary: He does still exist...promise.
Honestly, he was convinced he were dead. Or at least that's how the water mutant felt as of late. With at least on advantage to not knowing that many people, no one had come to check on him since he hasn't been making himself known around the vicinity. Though vaguely aware of the fact that there have been some changes among the enrollment he wasn't about to seek anything out. In-act the only time he had left his own dorm was to drop off the trophy to the winner of the wet t-shirt contest that was held. Other than that the sick one had bottled himself up so that if this cold of his were contagious he wouldn't be out spreading some sort of thing as if it were an epidemic. That was the last thing he needed to be held over his head.
Come to think of it, a hot water bottle over his head might be something he should look into. Might assist in breaking of his fever, or at least the fever he was convinced he had. Regardless he was determined to venture out of his dorm today. At least for the sake of getting food. He was pretty sure his stomach could handle it by now as well as the contagious stage should be over. He'd holed himself up long enough to ensure that. Lazily throwing on a pair of shorts and not even bothering with a shirt he urged himself out of his dorm and down the flights of stairs before being level with the main ground.
Dragging himself towards the cafeteria, he rustled himself up a small and easy breakfast and found himself a seat within a quiet non-high traffic area so that he could watch what was going on. His location didn't give him off as unapproachable, but he also didn't want to be in direct contact with everyone and everything that would be making their way to get food. Then again that was typical Oryon behavior, staying out of the way for the most part. Not that he was always like that, just when he didn't feel good; those were the times when he didn't want to be overly surrounded by people. Not that he'd give someone the cold shoulder, it was a quirk of his. One of many so to speak..