Who: Corey, Sirius, James
Where: 2nd lounge
When: Early afternoon
Rating: Q for Questionable
Status: Closed, completed
Summary: James finds Sirius teaching Corey how to play Exploding Snap, and they opt to venture to a joke shop. However, James and Sirius get a little distracted with each other and politely ditch Corey to go entertain each other.
Corey had given some consideration to the pool - they'd had one in the backyard of the Rory house, and she'd enjoyed it - but the faint snapping noise coming from the attached lounge caught her ears. Curious, she followed the sound until she saw the dark-haired boy ... exploding cards. It sounded (and smelled) vaguely like the caps from cap guns, and she reasoned they were similar in nature. "What's that?" she asked curiously.
Sirius glanced up, grinning slightly. He recognized the girl from the contest the night before (though he'd voted for Lily out of respect for ... well, Lily), and he nodded slightly. "Exploding Snap," he explained. "There're actually rules, but when I'm ... ah ..."
"Playing with yourself?" she offered as she settled down onto the floor across from him.
"Fair enough," he replied, a grin quirking his lips. "When I'm playing with myself, I just try to see how loud a snap I can get out of them. Want to play? Prongs is apparently having a lie-in and he's not here yet."
She shrugged. "Sure," she agreed. She watched as he shuffled the cards and dealt them out, and she listened to the explanation of the rules. It sounded vaguely like a cross between War and Slapjack. "I'm Corey, by the way."
"Sirius," he said as he reached out to take and shake her hand. "Nice to meet you. You were hot last night, by the way," he added. "I had to vote for Lils, but if there hadn't been obligations involved, I would've voted for you."
Corey laughed, ducking her head slightly. "Well, thank you for that," she offered, blushing a little bit. She wondered how many of the girls were going to be blindsided by statements like that, but she reasoned that had been included in signing up for it.
"Sure," he agreed before he arranged his cards so they could play - at least until they were interrupted.