Who: Damion, Jan, Eric
Where: the dorms
When: later morning
Rating: PG13
Status: Closed, completed
Summary: Dami finds an Eric and harasses him a bit over Jan before Eric retreats into the room. Jan comforts him before deciding to go find some better weapons in case Dami gets ambitious.
Damion had armed himself well. His mother had a fair few daggers lying about, though he did avoid the ones that were already tipped in poison. He had no idea which sort she'd been using, nor if he was immune to it. He thought about her blade as well, but it was much lighter than his own. It was a pity he didn't have his. To think of all the souls he could collect here, thin out the ranks a bit.
Sighing quietly, he settled for just keeping the daggers and the diamond claws. With that settled, the Sixth moved from the town hall toward the dorms. Amusement was clearly expressed on his face, dark eyes gleaming with the promise of the day. Maybe he'd go see what January was up to, perhaps torment her boy toy a bit.
He grimaced once, slightly, as he felt Belle pushing against his mind again - but that was going to be happening all day. He ws sure of it.
Humming softly, Damion began to stroll through the halls of the dorms.