Who: River, prodding Mal (and Jaime)
Where: Mal's room in dorms
When: Morning
Rating: PG-13. I imagine there will be some swearing.
Status: Closed / Completed
Summary: River wakes Mal and Jaime up a bit earlier than they'd like to ask for permission for Kyle to come back with them to Serenity. After a brief quibbling of details, River departs and
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Comments 43
"River," he noted very observantly, "Somethin' wrong?"
It wasn't 'what the hell do you want?' but it was one step removed. He wasn't so keen on being woken up before he was good and bloody ready.
Was something wrong?
Lifting her head, she reached for the nightstand where the letter always was, only to find ... no letter. Well that was ... huh.
Leaning over the bed, she peered around for it, but it was proving to be a fruitless endeavor. Then she rolled her eyes at herself. "Where's the letter?" she asked around a yawn ... but when she felt no pull, she frowned.
Well that was ... huh.
"Is this a bad time?" she said, somewhat stiffly. She would really rather not delay this much longer. Several muscles in her back shifted as she twitched a little in annoyance. She was really only asking Mal out of courtesy anyway - it was his ship. But she would smuggle Kyle on if she needed to.
"It's a fine time," he replied, "A mite earlier'n I'd like, but it's fine. What did you need to discuss?"
He did wonder what it was exactly that bore waking him up for.
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