Is This the End of the World?

May 08, 2012 00:39

Pairing: Jalex
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Disclaimer: unfortunately i don't own all time low but i do own the plot, title goes to you me at six.
Summary: Sometimes something beautiful comes from something devastating....
A/N: This is my first proper attempt at a fic, and I wanted to do something a little different! Comments etc would be nice

Popular wasn’t a word that Jack Barakat really understood.

He didn’t understand why one certain group of people, that most people hated, got to rule the fucking school and have the time of their lives while everyone else had to kiss the ground the walked on.

But Jack didn’t need any friends. He’d been a ‘lone wolf’, you might say, his entire life. He didn’t need people. He was fine by himself. Why bother yourself making other people happy when you could enjoy life on your own and not give a fuck about anyone?

He supposed he was pretty cliché; kid from a broken home that hated school and everyone in it, and didn’t have one single person to call a friend. In fact, he didn’t even have anyone he could really call a family member. Not anymore. The day he turned 16 his mom kicked him out, she had 4 mouths to feed and Jack was by far the least favourite.

He wasn’t sure why, but she always blamed him for his dad leaving. Maybe because she knew it was her fault, and she needed to pretend to herself that it was nothing to do with her, so she could forget.

But Jack didn’t care for his family anyway; he’d been fending for himself since he was 7. He’d been expecting her to kick him out as soon as it was legal, or at least as soon as she didn’t have to feel bad for it, so over the years he’d slowly saved up every dollar he could, and by the time he was 16 he had enough to rent him a flat while he got a job and continued school. If there was one thing Jack knew that could get him far away from this town, it was an education. If he was smart, he could go as far as he wanted. And that’s what he needed. To get as far away from anything that could possibly hold him down.

So, for Jack, the end of the world as he, and anyone, knew it, wasn’t exactly a huge problem.

Popular was a word that Alex Gaskarth knew every definition for.

Alex had spent his life putting everything he had in other people’s hands. He had no worries because; if other people could share them, then why keep them to yourself?

There weren’t many people in the entire town that Alex didn’t know personally, or at least know of. He had everything, charisma, charm, looks, money, and a hell of a lot of friends.

He had the perfect family too. His mother and father had been in love since the age of 16, had never been with or looked at any one else, and boy did they all love each other.

His father owned a plastic bottle company, and the factory employed ¾ of the town, so everyone knew who the family was, considering they lived in the only house that looked like a fucking castle.

But there was one thing that Alex Gaskarth did not possess.

A brain.

Well, obviously he had brain, but he didn’t put it to use very often. Alex knew that he didn’t need an education. Once he finished high school, he’d maybe go to college for a few years, but eventually he’d come back, take over from his father as head of the family company and marry his perfect match.

Alex’s entire life was in this town, he had no reason to ever leave.

So, for Alex, the end of the world as he, and anyone, knew it, was the worst thing that could ever happen to him.

But, for both boys, the journey that would follow would be the most unexpected thing that could ever happen.

part 2

slash, all time low, jalex, fanfic

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