Is This the End of the World? (7/?)

Jul 12, 2012 20:37

Title: Is This The End Of The World? (7/?)
Author: dauntlesss
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: PG-13
pov: Third
Warnings: um nothing really i don't think hm
Summary: Something beautiful comes from something devastating….
Disclaimer: sobs i don't own all time low and the title goes to you me at six, but i own the plot and story!!
A/N: ya this is really short but it goes with chapter 6 pretty well so that's why!!

Alex’s mood when he wakes up is quite literally the polar opposite of Jack’s. He feels as if he slept with a hanger in his mouth, he’s smiling that much. His mood goes a little downhill when he properly comes to, and realises that he’s alone, though he keeps his fingers crossed that Jack’s just getting dressed or something; the SUV is still there, so he can’t have gone too far.

Alex changes clothes slowly, getting clean ones out of his bag, and laughing quietly at the uncomfortable mess in his boxers before changing out of them.  Once he’s changed, he looks around, but there’s still no sign of Jack, and he can’t lie to himself, he’s started to get pretty worried. There are so many questions running through his mind. What if Jack’s left him? What if he got scared and ran away? What if that was actually all he wanted Alex for, and now that he’s got what he wanted, he’s fucked off?

As he thinks all of this over, Alex slowly begins to get pissed at Jack, and himself. He knew Jack was the biggest asshole ever, he knew he was a self-centred prick and he knew that he was completely untrustworthy. He should never have accepted his goddamn invitation to join him, he should have ignored his stupid smile and his pretty eyes and given himself up to those ‘freaks’. At least he wouldn’t be feeling this fucking sad. He wouldn’t be feeling anything, infact.

Then it dawns on Alex how unbelievably dumb he’s being. He’s sitting on the ground moping about some stupid guy, when he could be out there saving the fucking world. He gets up, gathers their scattered belongings, before throwing everything in the back of the car and jumping in the drivers seat. He puts the keys in, and is about to reverse out of the field when he hears a tapping on his window. He turns to see Jack’s stupidly cute face smiling up at him.

For a few seconds, Alex contemplates just driving away anyway, but he knows he’s too nice to do that, so he winds the window down.

“What, Jack?” he says as bluntly as possible, and Jack’s smile falters a little, before returning.

“I’m sorry I ran off Alex, I go freaked but I-“

“Don’t you dare apologise Jack Barakat, because I may not know you, but I know about you, and I know that you aren’t the type that apologises and means it.” Alex snaps, he then folds his arms and stares out the windscreen.

“Shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover” Jack mumbles, and Alex turns to see him staring solemnly at his shoes with his arms folded behind his back, and he’s blinking furiously. Something pangs in Alex’s chest, and he feels bad for the boy, he really does, but he’s still mad at him. He knows for a fact that the only reason Jack came back was because he saw the car leaving, and didn’t want to be stuck without a wingman. Alex has heard enough about Jack to know that he doesn’t value people enough to care about their feelings; he probably just wants Alex to use as a human shield.

“Whatever, Jack” he practically spits “Don’t give me the bullshit ‘I’m sorry’ act, don’t pretend you care, I’m not going to fall for it, so go fuck yourself” He starts to reverse again, but Jack runs along next to the car, trying his best to stop him.

“Look, Alex. I know I’m a dick’’ he pants “But please don’t leave me, we can keep each other safe, please Alex, please stop, I’m begging”

Alex stops.

He takes a deep breath.

“Fine, Barakat, you can come, but I want you to know that I’m going to pretend that last night happened, just like your planning on.”

“I wa-”

“No. Listen to me for once. You try and ditch me again, and then regret it, I’m not taking you back. You don’t get another chance, okay?” Alex runs his hands through his hair, and exhales “This is it Jack, no turning back, no backing out, no running away. Understand?” Alex looks so serious that Jack’s almost scared, he knows that the older boy isn’t joking around, and that he’s going to live up to his threats.

“Yes. I completely understand Alex, I’m not going to leave you again, I promise” Jack takes his hand from behind his back and holds out his pinky, grinning, and Alex can’t help but smirk back, curling his pinky around Jack’s. As they shake Alex notices how Jack doesn’t break eye contact once, and he knows that at this point, he can trust him with his life.

What he doesn’t notice, as the drive away, is the bunch of flowers discarded on the ground, right were Jack was standing.

next chapter 

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