A case of privileged bigotry:

Jun 12, 2011 01:44

 So this is a post by a relative's friend (not personally friends with this guy otherwise I'd be comment-walling this shit). Actually wasn't sure whether I wanted to lock this or not given LJ crossposts to facebook but WHATEVER. Tempered call out with appropriately blanked names and display pics:

Pink girl is kinda my hero.

Relative isn't going to comment because in their opinion, Blue isn't going to change his mind and no amount of commenting will fix that. If Blue said it in person, though, that'd be a different story. Personally? If I knew this person, I'd call them out on their privilege politely but firmly. Since I don't actually know Blue though, I'm feeling a bit more vitriolic.

Firstly, if you end the first part of your sentence with "...but," that usually invalidates it.

"I'm not racist, but..."
"I'm nonjudgmental, but..."
"I have plenty of gay friends! But..."

Especially if the second part is contrary. That first part? A flimsy cushion to try and make it better, related to the comment sandwich of "Liked this-criticism-other good thing". Which is also a bit silly in my opinion- if there's a valid criticism, just say it rather than sugar coat it. Sibling says that's how you lose friends. I can agree with that to some extent, especially if it's a valued friend. Blunt honesty is one of my closely held values though.

Of course, there is the phrase "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Perfect for polite company, or people you don't know very well.

On the other hand, being silent can viewed as an implicit endorsement- by not saying something against, you may be silently agreeing for all we know. This is why, in my opinion, apathy is a bad thing- you have a right to an opinion, why not express it?

Anyway, to the original post- the other problem with this is the serious amount of privilege. Other posts previously and more recently from Blue indicate that they're offended by pride parades, and are frustrated they're castigated as 'the bad guy' for being offended AND offending others.

In other words, "How DARE these people exist, and celebrate their existence? And I don't get why people get mad at me for thinking this?"

I have serious problems with this mode of thinking- I mean, every Viagra and jewelry commercial is essentially a straight-person celebration when you think about it- "WOO, OLD GUYS BONING LADIES" "OMG HE WENT TO JARED". Actually going through with a straight pride parade would be an insult to the GLBT community, especially in Blue's state where a rather famous case of homophobic violence took place.

Also, I'm not seeing how Blue feels offended- Blue's right to marry the opposite gender isn't being legislated against, nor will Blue be violently targeted by bigots for who they love. Burnt Orange sums it up "Yeah, let's do this because of straight discrimination! Oh wait..."

Yeah, I know. This is the internet, hate happens all the time, arguing online is akin to the special olympics- you may win but everyone's still retarded (old phrase, though ableist), etc. etc. Still irritates me that people can think like this, though. ESPECIALLY when it's other minorities who don't care, but that's a different story and a different post.

TL;DR, calling someone out on their whine and waxing philosophical about why it's wrong

diversity, homophobic, rants, confront, my liberal agenda, teal deer

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