Gone so long but returning with gifts

Apr 28, 2008 00:10

I haven't posted in forever, but I have been slowly getting my Photoshop groove back. I'm also writing something for boxathon. I took the prompt for the Magnificent 7 (ATF AU)/NCIS xover. Two fandoms that I read on occasion, but have never written in. I'm having fun with it even though juggling two good sized casts is a pickle. Anyway, here are some goodies for all.


As per usual, take what you like, but reply to let me know what you're taking. Credit isn't necessary, but appreciated. All my resources can be found on my profile page. Click on the wallpaper images for full sized.

(All wallpaper links are 1024x640. The actual files are 1280x800. If you want the bigger file, let me know.)

Wallpaper 01


Wallpaper 02

Wallpaper 03

Wallpaper 04

PS - I have also joined the ranks of Twitter. If you want to add me, reply and I'll hook you up w/ my account details.

image post, icon post

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