Supernatural 2.22

May 19, 2007 12:46

So I finally got to watch the finale!

I'm totally okay with Dean making the deal. It makes perfect sense. I loved the interactions with Bobby and Dean. Bobby is becoming one of my favorite characters. I'm sad that Ash is gone, but it's good that Ellen is still kicking. I like that they wrapped up the demon, but have set up two arcs for next season, the demons that escaped and finding a way to break Dean's deal. Plus, there's that seed of doubt in Sam that the Yellow Eyed bastard planted, they'll have to deal with that too. I'm wondering if Sam's powers are going to go uber now that the demon is dead and he's died and come back. I was more disappointed in John's appearance. I was all excited when I saw Jeff's name on the credits, but while his part was important, the fact that he didn't say anything was kind of disappointing. I knew once they opened the Hell's Gate that was John's way back. Still, Jeff did the most with the part. There was a lot he said with just his face and tears. Poor baby. I'm really hoping for another flashback episode so that they can bring him back. I miss Daddy Winchester!

All in all it was a good episode, but not as OMG! as last season's finale. I can't wait to see what the boys will get into next season.


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