I am now officially a Tennessee resident. I now have my license and my tag for the truck. Joy.
How sad is it that the most exciting thing I've done so far this week is defrag my hard drive? *cringe*
Anyway, I hear there's a bit of kerfluffle going on about some SPN spoilers...having read the description of said spoiler, I really don't see what all the fuss is about.
I'm not one to rain on the Wincest parade that's for damn sure. Hey, if you feel it, go for it. I just don't see how seeing Dean committed to saving Sam at all costs is a tru love omg! thing. It's more a Dean thing to me. I mean, of course he'd do that. He's Dean and he'd do anything to protect his brother. To be quite honest, I think Dean would do the same thing for ANYONE. He's a fucking hero, people, no joke. He'd grumble about saving dumb blonde #3, but he'd still do it. I don't think he'd just abandon someone in that situation. He already proved in "Faith" that he doesn't mind dying in order to do that. And yes, he has more of a personal interest in that it's Sam, but still... Either way, I expect good fic and discussion to stem from the episode, so I win. :D
Just my 2 cents. I am looking forward to watching it though. :D