
Aug 10, 2006 21:25

*iz tired*

I had two days off of doing nothing, but now it's back to work. I'm moving in on the 17th and I have 4 days off. Wednesday to pack,Thursday to move, Friday to lounge about and then my Orientation is on Saturday. Sunday, I'm back here and back to work. Hopefully, I'll know about my schedule by then. I also have applied for a job with US Cellular. I haven't heard back yet other than a job fair notice that I couldn't attend. There was an email addy with the notice that let me request an interview, but I haven't heard back yet. I haven't applied anywhere else, but the Career Services director has my resume and should be getting back to me soon. So a lot of stuff is gelling at the moment, but I have a deep fear that everything is going to be really last minute. I know that I've done everything I can in advance, so we'll see how everything pans out. I've also been helping my boss' mother install her DSL and that has been less than fun. At least the boss' wife is paying me for it, but I could tell you horror stories about my morning. Sheesh. What I won't do for a few extra bucks. Right now I'm just having small panic attacks about my couch not fitting on amiguriken's truck and other fun things. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Tomorrow is Friday. Tomorrow is Friday.


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