It's Sci-fi Friday once again!

Jul 14, 2006 23:25

Non spoilery: All in all, good episodes from both, but I'm just not feeling the SG-1 still. The Orii just rub me the wrong way I guess. I think I'm just tired of the "bigger badder!" mentality over there. They have to keep topping themselves in the bad guy department and I'm just not as invested as I used to be. That being said, Michael and Claudia were awesome as usual (as was Ben). Vala and Daniel are like the Hope and Crosby of the SG-1 universe and I love them. Atlantis was also good, but I wasn't as on the edge of my seat as I was the beginning of last season. I think they had such a good set up finale in season one, that I totally know they're going to get out of whatever else the writers want to throw at them from now on. :D

Opening: Excitement. Explosions. And Shep is a fan of the original trilogy. Check.

John flashing back to Rodney and Radek was just perfect... and the fact that he hadn't been paying attention! HEE! Making Liz leave at a crucial juncture makes no fucking sense. I just love Landry's faith that Liz "will have them for breakfast." I like Michael's alienation from his own species. Such a set up for helping John, Rodney and Ronan. :D You know, I wouldn't mind if Michael became a regular cast member. His experience would be too beneficial to ignore, but if they kept him around, they'd have to find some way of feeding him. It would be an interesting idea and yet another moral dilemma. Somebody write that, please.

Lizzy doesn't take shit from anybody. She knew when she stepped through the gate that she was being set up as a scapegoat. Considering what happened on SG-1 I'm surprised that they have time for all this. Or maybe the timelines are a little different for the two shows. Elizabeth mentions that the fleet is gone to fight the Orii, but apparently they don't yet know the outcome of that.

Rodney factoring the many ways of his death is so typical and Ronan shutting him up about it even more so. Hee! I love them as a team. I hope they have more scenes together this season. "It's down my back. It's down my back." Ha!

Lorne flying Orion! Yay Lorne! Too bad it gets blown up. They really need more that just the Daedalus. I hope John gets another ship to name. If they do, they really need to make an Andromeda joke. I'm just waiting for it.

"Operation Most Likey To End Badly is a go." I love John.

I also love when Ronan takes orders from John. Ooh.

Landry does good dad pep talks, but not as good as George. I miss George... and Jack.

The ending is really interesting and I'm wondering just how much deeper they can keep digging themselves in. I mean any more and they're going to be popping out in China back on Earth. The lack of Tela is just annoying. This whole episode was very "the boys out playing soldier." Elizabeth is sent back home and Tela doesn't do much of anything. Where my girls at? Well...I guess we can count Rodney, the way he was simpering and whining. ;) Ah, Atlantis. How I've missed you.

scifi friday, atlantis, recaps

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