May 17, 2006 09:40

Happy birthday to tvm!

Newest joy about having the laptop? Sitting in my kitchen eating breakfast while still reading porn. *smirk*

amiguriken came over last night to watch House. The episode wasn't all that great. The Cuddy moments made it, which was interesting because usually the Wilson moments are what saves a slow ep. I still say that we need an episiode with Wilson, Cuddy and House off on their own and the ducklings on the phone. Much like they did that Stacy episode with House on the phone with the others. I can't figure out if House was trying to point himself out for the job of fathering Cuddy's baby or if he was just showing his usual obnoxious concern. If she was going to choose one of her friends, I really think she was right last ep in choosing Wilson. I don't know how I feel about House fathering a child. He'd probably just ignore the kid while still keeping tabs on him. I'm just curious how this is going to play out. I love the feminist issues they're bringing up with this, having successful working woman Cuddy having a child on her own terms without a man. I can't wait for House to start ragging on her for it.

So it's been pretty much confirmed that Supernatural is on the CW next season. There has been much flailing on my friends list. I'm glad. I didn't think that they'd drop it, not considering how well it's doing with Smallville. I am glad to hear that the Aquaman show the Smallville guys were developing has fallen off the radar. I didn't think that was a good idea at all. I mean the damn guy can't hold up a regular comic series on his own no matter who writes him, so I don't think the show would have lasted more than a season anyway. I'm wondering now just what they are going to do with Smallville. I know it's been renewed, but how long is this show going on? They'll be more hype for it next season if Superman Returns does well (and it's pretty much a lock that it will). I thought they were only going to follow Clark's adventures through high school. Now they've gotten him in college. I'm just wondering how long they think they can keep the show going.

I would like to see the creators do something with the rest of the DC universe (Aquaman being the exception). Young Batman anyone? Serious Bruce Wayne in prep school honing his detective skills ala Veronica Mars? How about Young Wonder Woman? She's got a movie coming out soon. That'd be a nice tie in. Kid Flash? They've set up a precident in Smallville. Robin! Ooh, a Robin show with Tim or young Dick would be awesome. If they did it so we never saw Bruce, and only fleeting glimpses and gruff phone call instructions from Batman. He could be like Charlie on Charlie's Angels. Wait, what if it was Tim and then whenever he'd need advice he'd go over to see Dick, the embittered sarcastic former Robin who has quit, for advice? That would be cool. Oh well.

I should probably get off my ass and get my stuff together for work. Tonight I'm going to come home and watch more 24. Until then, I have to get through another boring day by myself and think "What would Jack Bauer do?" Somehow I doubt my boss will appreciate me beating up and interrogating the customers.

house, smallville

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