akjmfoasldkbnek!!!!!!! juhrgaeigh!!!!!

May 04, 2006 22:44

I've learned something today. Showing my boobs gets a lot more comments than my regular posts. Note to self: Get new friends OMG! :D

Hey! The 21st of this month is my 5 year LJ Anniversary! Cool! If ya'll wanna like write me something to celebrate, I wouldn't be opposed... hint hint

I have Smallville comments:

Lionel destroying Fine was kind of cool. The rest of the episode less so. They keep doing things to bring Schnider back and it's weird. I totally knew it was Fine right off. Bo just isn't that creepy. The bitchy boyfriend talk at the end between Lex and Clark... was that really about Lana? I think not. Oh, and can I make 'Fine is in Lex' jokes or is that too obvious? The very end was kind of weird because I noticed something I had been ignoring about this show. Clark really needs some guy friends. I mean ever since they ran Pete off... There's no better sign that you're gay than only hanging out with girls, Clark.

Now on to the Supernatural season finale!

Another fan canon vid! To Rush even! And we open with Dean laying down the law. That is so hot. Not as hot as the Impala doing a corner slide in the dark, though. Sam's man on a mission shit has got to stop. Listen to your brother, dude.

I was excited when Dean said "We need help." Are there any of John's friends left? Ah. Apparently so. The dog on the old truck's roof! So redneck! EEE! I just love Bobby. He rocks. I hope we see him again. BTW, "Satanic Roach Motel" is so the name of my new band.

"Storm's coming. You boys, your daddy, you're all smack dab in the middle of it." Truer words have never been spoken.

Meg coming is no surprise, but the trap was. I was all YUS! when Dean said "Got ya."

Then him threatening her and getting all up in her face. You don't mess with Dean's family, no sir. "I will march into hell myself and kill every one of you sons of bitches." So awesome! Plus, he's all hardcore making them finish the exorcism. I'm so glad Meg's dead. I look forward to the other guy.

Close up of Dean's face after she bites it. Nice. Is he sad about Meg, or is he sad that the dog's probably dead? I'm voting for the dog.

Bobby is the best! "What you two thought you invented lying to the cops?" and "Bring your dad back around. I won't even try ot shoot him this time." HEE! He should definitely come back next season.

Sam with the book restored my faith in him. He's still being an obsessed asshole, but he's more like our obsessed asshole. And Dean worried about his car is love. It's just misplaced worry about dad and I like how the conversation flows from car to dad easily because I think they represent each other to Dean. He doesn't look trustworthy at all when he tosses the Colt in the trunk. You just know he took it.

"This sucks out loud." Deanisms make me happy.

Papa spread eagle! *brain fry*

Sam and Dean as firemen! EEEEE! Dean wanting to be something normal like a fireman when he was little. Sam's "You never told me that." Is so out of place in this and it's cute. He probably didn't want to be that anymore after your mom burnt up dumbass... or maybe he wanted to be one because of mom.... it would depend on his age, which he doesn't elaborate on.

Industrial sized salt is always fun. I think Daddy's possesed. He has to be. The holy water test doesn't fool me. Something's up. It's too easy. Plus, he manages to climb down a fire escape while drugged.

Watching the guys outside getting possesed was creepy, and an axe through the door is always fun.

They totally shot the rescue scene differently so that they could give me heart attack last episode with the "he can't be dead!" teaser. Bastards.

2 bullets left! Go Dean! They should know by now that you don't mess with Sam, dumbasses.

I have the feeling that CSI would have a field day with these guys. I can just see Gil raising his eyebrows over 100 year old bullets. Too bad they killed the dude after two episodes. I'll never see the new guy be intimidating.

The exchange in the cabin. "Man, I'm trying to thank you here." "You're welcome." *hugs them*

Dean's not!remorse is just beautiful. He's scared of his blindspot when it comes to his family. Nice.

Daddy saying shit he's probably needed to say for years... something tells me that can't be him, but damn I wish "You watch out for this family. You always have." really was John talking.

I love that Dean is no dummy. He knows something's up. And then the EYES! It's not just any possesion, it's THE demon. So awesome. That has got to be John's worst nightmare.

(I'm so tired of MI:3 commercials. Nobody likes you crazy Tom Cruise. Go away.)

And Sam backs Dean up, which makes me melt inside just a little. I love JDM as the demon. His accent goes all thick. Calling Sam "Psychic Boy" and getting all smug. I love it. "Two wrongs don't make a right." Is just the best ever. He is so HOT! Even the goofy contacts can't detract from his hotness. And we finally get some answers. Mom and Jess got in the way. Jess makes sense, but mom? What the special kids can't grow up in nurturing homes or something? This evil plan is very vague.

When JDM does the "mask the pain" line and gets all up in Jensen's face. I was practically screaming, "Is he going to kiss him? OMG!" But Dean's response is just classic. "I bet you're real proud of your kids too. Oh, I forgot, I wasted them." I can not express my feelings for Dean and the demon trading barbs. Wow.

But then Dean getting ripped up. JEEZ! *hugs him* And I was waiting for a Sam TK moment and it just wouldn't come. WHY! WHY WHY WHY? Could he only do the TK when he was around another TK? He also got "vibes" if you recall when he was around Missouri. That's how he knew the house was still haunted. HMMMMMMMMM.

Dean pleading with John trapped inside. *cries*

And then Sam smart enough to shoot him in the leg, which is what Dean should have done right off. Then we get Creedance and them driving to the hospital... I'm watching fic again.

I literally gasped when the truck hit them. I can't believe they did that. I mean.... THE IMPALA! (Yeah way to focus, I know, but...) My notes go all scribbly and there is OMG THOSE BASTARDS written in huge letters across the bottom. That about sums up how I feel. I hate hate hate cliffhangers. You know that they'll be alright, but they better not kill off John. They just better not or I'm tracking Kripke down and egging his house.

So in conclusion. WOW, but mostly OMG YOU BASTARD, KRIPKE!

recaps, supernatural

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