Supernatural 1.20 "Dead Man's Blood"

Apr 20, 2006 22:30

Parental Discretion! Woo!

Come to beautiful Manning, Colorado for all your man needs.

Mr. Elkins has a Necronomijournal! Woot! I want one.

Oh look, the vamps are wearing leather. How original.

The eye shine! That's neat although I've seen it done in werewolf movies before I think.

And yay they mention Sarah. Cool. Dean's still trying to get Sam laid. So weird and yet funny.

How cool is it that Dean has the Necronomijournal memorized? This is the second or third time he's remembered something random from the thing.

Dad knocking on the Impala window and scaring them was the funniest thing ever. And then his vampire Voice Over. I'm in heaven! He's teaching the boys! This is want I wanted to see! EEEE! "Most vampire lore is crap." Ha!

It's an interesting take on the fangs. Not sure if I like it or not.

Gruff Daddy! "Just follow me, okay."

"Vampire. It gets funnier every time I hear it." Oh, Dean. And then Dad turns around and is bitchy to you about the Metallicar! Ouch! "I wouldn't have given it to you if I knew you were going to ruin it." Dean looks like someone kicked his puppy after that line.

Sam, honey, shut up. I know you have a valid point but being a whiny bitch is not going to suddenly inspire your USMC dad's confidence. *sigh* I also love how Dean won't admit that gruff!Dad bothers him, even when it obviously does.

The bad guy's name is Luther. *rolls eyes* Come on, Kripke. I did like that they were scared of hunters though. Usually, vampires are played off as cocky.

Dean playing the peacemaker between his dad and Sam. OMG it's fic! I'm watching fic! I take it back, Kripke. I totally take it back.

The blood to blood = vampire. Interesting, but done better in other shows I think. What do you want to bet that the Parental Discretion warning was for the girl on girl kiss more than the gore.

(BTW, remaking the Poseidon Adventure? LAME. I mean those disaster films were lame back then. No matter how much fancy CGI and shit you throw at it... STILL LAME.)


Oh, now Sam's all "Yes, sir." Make up your mind, Sam. I love the Dad VO. It's the best thing ever. He should be the narrator for the series. That would rock.

Them sneaking into the vampire...barn. (Pathetic vamps. Couldn't they find an abandoned factory? Honestly, the lazy evil fiends of the night now a days.) Dean's so smooth what with the making lots of noise and bumping into the sleeping vampires. *shakes head* And Sam going for the girl, which is just dumb, but he doesn't know that so I'll give him a break. I want to see Dad asskickery. I'm seeing dad get tossed about like a beanbag, but no asskickery. Plus, what kind of respectable vampire sleeps in a hammock?

I loved the scene with John and Sam and not just because Jared was totally filling out that shirt OMG. I just love JDM. "Ya motha pass'd." Drawl city. And the college fund... it's just FIC. Kripke is just using fic as crib notes I swear! Weepy Sam! Weepy Dad! Bonding! *dies* "I spent it on ammo." HA!

The plan? Sucks. Daddy's a do-er not a planner it seems. I don't think I'll ever get over Dean and the vamp chick. "I usually draw the line at necrophilia." Usually Dean? Is there a story there? I think so. The kissing! Because if you had Dean at your female mercy you'd be all over him too. He's the perfect hot chick bait.

Daddy rocks my socks with the crossbow and the attitude. YAY!

I love the big confrontation with Dad laying down the law and then Dean suddenly turning on him too. Dad almost gets whiplash with the "Excuse me?" I got the vibe from that whole argument that John kind of wants to die fighting this thing. He doesn't mind. He wants it to be over so that he can be with Mary and still know that his boys are safe. I just want to give him a big squishy hug despite the fact that he's being kind of an asshole.

And how pretty was JDM in the reflected light from the rearview mirror? So hot.

Who is Luther's second in command guy. He's so familar. It's bugging the shit out of me, and I didn't catch the character's name to look it up. *sigh*

John taking on Luther just so calmly was awesome. I didn't like watching him get tossed around again, but the boys came to the rescue so it's okay.

And YET AGAIN Sam gets nabbed by the bad thing. I thought you had freaky mind powers, dude. I'm so tired of them ignoring that. Loser.

The grin from Dad when the gun worked! Eee! I love him.

When he comes into the motel room with his hands in his pockets, JDM only looks a little older than the boys.

"We are stronger as a family." At this line I literally got up and DANCED.

NEXT WEEK. HOMG. *hands over eyes* I refuse to look at the spoiler pictures, but I am scared people. Scared for daddy's life!

recaps, supernatural

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