Supernatural 1.19 "Provenance"

Apr 13, 2006 22:36

Full of spoilers, and probably typos. I live in the land of squee, forgive me.

First of all, Smallville (and I can't believe I'm even typing something out for Smallville).

1. Clark is a dork.
2. Lana is learning Lex's bitchy ways. Scary!
3. Why must Callum always play the crappy one note villians? Speaking of, why has he not been on Stargate yet?
3. Lana finally gets a clue. Sweety, Lex=Sex and has this whole time.

Now Supernatural!

Parental discretion! Righteous!

Okay the opening painting shot is scarier than any MOTW they've had on this show so far. Moving pictures creep me out. That one ghost episode of SeaQuest with the moving photo fucked me up for a week. Anyway...

OMG Steve song in the bar! YAY! We love you Steve!

And obviously Dean and I are destined to be together because he likes hitting on girls named Brandi in bars. It's spelled with an I, Dean. CALL ME!

I love when Dean realizes he's gone too far with the date thing and dials it back. They never talk about Jessica and I'm glad Dean's finally realized that maybe it's time.

Dean in the car all hungover and loved over. *sigh* Kripke really does read fanfiction, yo! I love you, dude! And the fact that you could hear the quote marks around Sam's use of "out". Dean was... "out." He was somethin' the DAWG!

And the fancy cars! Wonderful pan over to the dirty Impala, which is just a gag thing because you know Dean wipes it with a fucking diaper and waxes the paint practically off of it. Did you all catch the one "The Krip" tag? Hee.

And Dean being so unrefined around all the rich people. We know he knows how to act. That was just pure 'up yours' blue collar defiance. I could not love him more. Redneck! Plus his, "Sam, I don't even know you." Line after the Art History for chicks bit. No, I'm pretty sure Sam took art history because he liked it and he has a bigger vagina than I do, but that's neither here nor there.

And the motel room intro was possibly the best thing I've ever seen on this show. The music, the decor, the pan, the "huh" in unison from the boys who aren't even fazed by the badness. *dies*

Did anyone else think the whole "my mother died and I was in a shell" conversation was just a little too much overshare for a first date? Yeah, I thought so. Luckly she had the cleavage going on.

Dean sharpening knives! Better than cleaning guns? You decide.

OMG the barreling over the fence was teh hot, even if it probably was stunt guys. VERY HOT. And how fucking sexy are our little delinquent B&E boys? VERY! ♥ them.

I loved the burning not working. I knew there'd be some problem because it was way too early in the ep for a conclusion there, but I didn't see the painting reforming coming, so well done Kripke.

Dean losing his wallet? That just didn't seem very him, and when it turned into a set up... HA! Just when I think I couldn't love him more, he pulls something like this. *sigh*

Sam's over the top "HOMG!" reaction almost made me snort Pepsi. SRSLY.

The enthusiastic librarian. I've seen him on Stargate before. He's just such a cute little guy. I liked his little bit a lot.

Again proof that Dean and I are meant for each other, I too am waiting for the DaVinci Code movie despite the fact that the whole friggin' world has read the book already.

Holy shit! Dean in a touching moment. They're finally talking about Jess! This was such good characterization, because this conversation needed to happen. And Dean always looks out for Sam so you know eventually he's going to want Sam to move on. So glad they didn't throw in any cheap "kill me now" jokes like last ep. I think mostly because Dean doesn't mind the heart-to-hearts when they are about Sam, but he refuses to delve into his own feelings. Plus, him lying back on that bed was HOT.

PS for this scene- Sam's fugly shirt blended in with the fugly wallpaper.... HE'S LIKE A FUGLY NINJA!

Sara's hair in pigtails was so cute. She was just a lovely actress, and how sad is it that Jared gets to act with all the hot wimmins and Jensen gets that crappy actress that played Kassie? I guess they figure Jen is so hot that if they got him a RLY hot chick the film would ignite.

That whole eyelash thing? Sam is the most perfect boyfriend ever. This family curse thing is a bitch.

Plus, yay to Kripke for not killing of Sara at the end. I was sure with lines like "I'm a big girl, Sam." and "And I could get hit by a bus tomorrow." that they'd totally axe her by the end. Don't say shit like that in a horror show, girl!

My next note is just "Dean!" and I have no idea for what. He makes me incoherent, people!

"Still think I'm a catch?" HEE!

I snickered at their economy sized salt for the body burning. What people must think of them when they buy that much salt at the store....

Returning to the house... The fact that Dean had that song ready and cued up to play amuses me to no end.

My redneck neighbors started shooting off guns and or fireworks at this point in the show. *rolls eyes*

"That is just so wrong." Hee! I really like Sara and I hope we get to see her next season. Working with antiques and stuff means she could easily come in contact with another cursed/whatever object for the boys to take care of.

I loved Dean's dumb moment with the gun. Stupid little things like that are stuff that happens to us all at work sometimes, and it was cute to see that Dean and Sam are not immune even in their strange ass business.

I just loved Jensen in this episode. I know that last ep was all about Dean and so they did this episode all about Sam, but Jen was really working it this week. His timing is just wonderful and it's nice to see him handle the comic relief as well as he did the melodrama last ep. Go Jen!

And the KISS! OMG Jared you are so hot with the nose all in the way. It was just so real and nice and I agree with Dean. "There's my boy!"



ETA: I don't know if this has already been on my flist or not, I haven't had the chance to look, but today on the radio I heard that MAYHEM announced that his 12 yr old girlfriend is NOT preggers. Possibly because he's gay. Well, alright that last bit I made up, but still. MAYHEM is so dumb he probably doesn't know where babies come from anyway. He's all, "My girl doesn't even know where any cabbage patches are. I'm totally safe."

recaps, supernatural

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