Supernatural 1.18 "Something Wicked"

Apr 10, 2006 19:12

Better late than never.

Dean's calling Sam on being a smartass? Yeah, whatever, dude. But Sam should have seen that "older brother = always right" thing coming a mile away.

I love that the waitress thinks the Free Masons are up to something. Hee.

Sam commenting on the empty playground. Um, there could be lots of reasons for this. It looked cold out, boys. You're drinking coffee. But still Dean totally looked like a lurking pedophile there, why was that woman just chatting away with him?

Bikini Inspector. Hee! Oh, Dean, you do find your own fun, don't you? Now I'm imagining him pulling that kind of thing on John. You know that he wouldn't, but it would have been funny if he did. I can just see John rolling his eyes and doing a lot better than Sam did in the situation. BTW, Dean, you look awesome, but your brother needs to burn that shirt.

The nurse didn't seem to be buying Sam's bullshit, but I think she gave him a freebee 'cause he's cute and all.

I'm surprised that they didn't have Dean doing the "heh, nurses" since they totally went there in Hook Man with the co-eds.

And the old crone is obviously a red herring. When Sam catches Dean's attention away from her, there is a good full shot of the guys walking side-by-side. I think someone on my friends list pointed out that Jared stands up straight when he's in the suit, so the height difference is more noticeable. Jensen looks like a little shorty when he so isn't. Jared is just some kind of freak of nature. I think Dean would agree with me here.

Somehow, I doubt the CDC would send a couple of interns, because that's what the guys look like. I could buy one young doctor, they could play that off as some kind of prodigy, but two? Thankfully, this is TV and not real life.

When they were interviewing the dad, it kind of threw me too. I don't get why he's so short with them. I know he wants to get back to his family, but wouldn't he want to talk to anyone that could help at this point?

BTW, as they walk off, those pants do interesting things to Jen's crotch, not that I was looking or anything.

I love the Metallicar, but man it's got to make their jobs harder. It's not exactly nondescript, and you just know there are APBs out for it all the time. Inconspicuous, guys. Look it up.

Flashbacks! I've been screaming for them all season and I'm so vindicated. Plus, kickass daddy demon killer. I know a lot of people have been going on about papa's parenting or lack there of, but I was just excited to see John in action. The boys have been talking up his monster killing skills and I just wanted to SEE that. We didn't really get it in Shadows.

John saying "Come on, dude. This is important." I died. So perfect. Everyone goes on about Dean being the good soldier, but no one really mentions that he's really just a mini John. I bet papa was just as cocky and full of himself as Dean was when he was in his twenties. I want to read about that guy. Get to writing, people.

"It only takes one mistake. You got that?" Oh Kripke, you are teh eval.

This is also the 3rd or 4th time they've mentioned Pastor Jim. I want to see this guy! In my head I have this mental picture of a grizzled old Southern Baptist preacher with a .357 in his hand. :D

Sam interrogating Dean always amuses me, because honestly when has that ever worked, Sam? I mean it's just like talking to your dad (see above).

Finally, the motel scene. The kid is a smartass and we could not love him more.

Michael: King or two queens?
Dean: Two queens.
Michael (looking at Sam): Yeah, I bet.
Dean: What'd you say?
Michael: Nice car.

And then to his mom all knowing: Two queens.

I love Jensen's flashback stare. Lost so needs him.

Sam's T-shirt. There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, so I'm gonna spare you guys.

The doc has to be the worst witch ever if he doesn't notice Sam and Dean standing there like a couple of morons. They were practically whistling cartoon style.

When they confront the old lady there's something about the way that Dean holds his gun that cracks me up.

The Strega's puppet hand on Michael and Asher's window. I was totally waiting for it to do a Kermit flail. Hee.

Sam laughing is the best thing ever and I want more of it. Although, I wouldn't mind if he trimmed those sideburns down a bit. Yeesh.

And of course it's the doctor, which I called the first time I watched the ep. Dean's face though after they figure it out. Jen owns me, SRSLY.

Lil' Dean with the shotgun! ♥

Dad's reaction of infamy. Part of it is his own guilt for leaving them, I know, but I also wonder if it's because the last thing that really went after Sam was the thing that killed Mary. That's gotta ring hard with John. Eh, I love him anyway, even if Lil' Dean needs a hug too.

I loved Michael's brave little soldier face. Sweet. "Just don't shoot me." It's so nice that while he's offering to trust these two weirdoes, he's also not stupid.

Jensen's voice was all low and growly this ep, and I highly approve.

Also notice that Dean's gun is bigger than Sam's. The height thing really does bother him.

I like how the Strega moves super fast. It's a trick they use a lot with the monsters, but it highlights how vulnerable the boys really are. They're just people. Well, Sam's got the hoodoo, but he never uses it. :( Which makes no sense since he's always the one that gets grabbed by the MOTW. He totally opened his mouth for the tongue fucking life sucking, too. I wonder about that boy.

When Michael crawls out from under the bed, the look on his face is all "Oh shit... I totally know what I want to be when I grow up! The guidance councilor at school never mentioned THIS!" He's only excited because he hasn't yet figured out that he's going to have a hell of a time explaining the mess, acid burns, ashes and spent cartridges all over his room to his mom.

The ending that everyone has talked about. Yes, Dean's a woobie and we love him, but I am so tired of Sam's whining. You have lived an interesting and extraordinary life! Get over yourself! This is one of the things that bugged me about Buffy too. I know you're life is tough and that you've been dealt a hard hand, but seriously get some ENJOYMENT out of it. I wish he'd pick up on some of Dean's optimism about their life. Sometimes I just want to kick him in the seat of his baggy pants.

In conclusion, the boys are pretty. Parenting is hard. I want more gun action from everybody because that was hot.

recaps, supernatural

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