State of me and some icon silliness

Mar 12, 2006 20:29

La la la. Motoring through the weekend. I've been busy at work doing stock and stuff. Tomorrow I have to go back to my own shop and finish the two day stock thing that I've been doing at the other store. Joy. Not sure when my days off are going to be yet, probably towards the end of the week. I don't know. It's been really warm here. I decided to wear my Birkenstocks to work today and had to do a hasty toenail painting job this morning before I left.

I've decided that Bob Seger's Hollywood Nights is about Sam and Jessica. It's just them and you can't convince me different.

Oh, and I made some icons again. Take one and join the revolution.



Don't worry about any major changes to the infrastructure, we Rednecks are kind of lazy. We'll get on that as soon as hunting season is over.

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