He doesn't like being called a Tiny Texan.

Feb 22, 2006 20:04

This morning I woke up very confused. I dreamed that I was attacked by a wolf. What the hell does that mean? Is that symbolic?

Today I rewatched my Angel Season 5 disks for Chris love. Country fried Lindsey with the big guns and tattoos. Yay! I also like listening to him on the commentaries. He's got that great smokey whiskey flavored voice. Plus, it's fun listening to him and David do their mutual appreciation society thing. They're all like "you're great!" "No, you're great!" "You did an awesome job!" "No, YOU did an awesome job!" "We're just wonderful, aren't we?" Only without the irony. Silly boys.

My head hurts. I think I may go to bed early tonight. Last night I did it out of boredom. Stupid no Supernatural. *sigh* I was even too tired to see if Love Monkey was on. It was pre-emted last week. Poo. I want more Wayne! The little guy they have as their own personal Rufus Wainwright is quite good. He's sweet. Plus, Tom Cavanaugh is just the cutest.

Maybe they'll be something on tonight.


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