Reason #8943 why I hate it here.

Dec 15, 2005 15:47

So I rented some DVDs last night from my local rental place. (We don't have Blockbuster or any chains here.) I got Madagascar, Sky High (which I'd already seen, but there really wasn't anything else I wanted), and Fantastic Four. Madagascar was scratched and would pause and play and pause and play until it got over the rough spot. Fantastic Four played about the first 20 minutes and then refused to play at all in either of my players. So I took them back today and the lady was talking to the woman in the office next door. I handed her the disks and told her about it and she completely kind of tried to blow me off. I explained what was wrong with them, and that the FF disk wasn't visibly scratched. I asked if they, especially the FF disk, had been rented before because it was likely a bad press. These things happen. She was all, "No we haven't had a problem with either of these before." without even looking at what movies I had handed back to her. Now FF just came out to rent like this week, so it is entirely likely that that disk (the single widescreen they had) hadn't been rented before, but how the hell would she know seeing as she didn't pay any attention to it until I stood there and was going on about where on the disk the problem was and that it didn't work in either of my players. Finally, she gave me a look like "well maybe she's not bullshiting" after I mentioned the two player deal, and said she'd check them and credit my account if there was something wrong. Basically trying to get rid of me. And then she proceeded to go back to chatting with the other lady.

I swear I came this close to saying, "Well, sorry, I hope I didn't interrupt. I'd hate to have bothered you at work."


I think much of this episode of House. I didn't care about the crazy chick and the whole "does she have this/does she not" didn't do much for me either. The few things I liked about the ep were Foreman in charge ordering House around, and all the verbal smackdowns. House's "Oh right that's because you killed that girl" to Chase was harsh and then later Chase's " requires saying no to House. Would you give you that job?" Hee. I also liked the small bit towards the end with House making poor whipped Wilson pay for his tic tacs and then taking the change for himself, and Wilson's frowny but unsurprised expression over it. All in all, not as good a Christmas ep as last season. Mostly because the House/Wilson was practically non-existant in this ep excepting the bit I mentioned. I guess they had to dial it back after last week's GAY-A-THON.


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