
Nov 15, 2005 22:14

Now I despise Wilson and Cameron bonding moments because I really don't want them going in a Wilson/Cameron place, but I really liked their interactions in this ep. Which makes me mad at myself really. The whole House/Stacy thing doesn't really do anything for me but oh man how much do I love House's sniping with Mark? So good. I love that everyone is smart enough on this show to snipe back and forth with House. The ducklings usually come up on the short end, but they're still learning so it's okay. The other adults though, can all hold their own with him, which I love.

House's "Oh you!" bit with Wilson was good. And just how does he know when Jimmy has food? I think James has a schedule regular as clockwork and that House has it memorized. "It's 12:15, he should be in line at the caf right now... Quickly! To the chow line! Free snacks!"

But really what made me go ballistic was the ending. House using his handicap to get in to the room was one thing... looking at Stacy's file was something else. I just want to throw something at him.

Other things:

I've gone through all the JSA trades and have moved on to Green Arrow. I think I need more time to think on it before I have any comments. I had to go into work early today because one of the employees didn't show up. The thing is, the boss told me to come in yesterday morning when I talked to him Friday. Only he didn't need me in the morning, he needed me at 2. But due to the fact that I got there before the other girl (the one who didn't show up today) and had already clocked in, I ended up working all day and she went home. Nice, huh? Plus, there's this funeral thing tomorrow that I won't be able to go to now, because apparently, I have to be there in the morning again. All this, and we've started inventory so while I finally have something to do, that something is counting crap. At least I got a lot done this afternoon, so maybe I won't have as much to do tomorrow. *sigh* Boy I'll be happy when this "temporary help out job" ends.


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