NCIS and House

Sep 27, 2005 22:10


Three things:

Tony standing with his pants around his ankles.

"I love you, boss."

Abby and Probie hugging over the license plate find. AW!


OMG! A look into Cuddy's life outside the hospital. They were totally trying to fake us out with the stitch in her side and then choking on the water. I totally knew it was a fake out, though... I saw the "next time on House" blurb last Tue.

"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" Burn!

House and Cuddy relationship issues...interesting. Now normally House blatantly ignores any sexual harassment rules, but still she should have smacked him.

"You really want to screw whitey?" HA!

Eeek! Power drill to the head.... Eeek!

"She's scarier than you are." Oh Chase, you're such a wuss.

And of course House is going to go with the boys to break into Cuddy's! There's no way he'd miss out on that! Ten bucks says he goes through her underwear drawer.

The Wilson and Stacy conversation was great. Somebody recently was talking about how they supposedly have this friendship around House, but that we never really see them interact. It was probably bethbethbeth 'cause she's all kind of smart.

Cameron grilling Cuddy. Oh yeah, she's over House. *rolls eyes*

Oh! He's already talking about her skivvies. I win! "This is where it all happens." *snicker* House teasing Chase! Yeah Chase, there's a shrine to you in Cuddy's underware drawer. *smacks him*

"Oh, I can be a jerk to people I've never sex with." No shit.

"Here, I'll prescribe the same medicine I give Republicans." *snort*

Nice "Shut up" from Stacy. I like that she can do that to him, and he actually shuts up. The argument between House and Cuddy... was it about the boy or was it about House considering what we've seen in Three Stories?

"It was a white lie." Dude. I really like the B story on this. Plus, Charles Robinson! I loved him on Night Court. It's good to see him.

Cuddy's big speach about being a doctor. You know she's not thinking right when she's talking about having House around to watch her is a good thing. *snicker*

House trying to do the right thing...and Stacy's amazed look. But then he has to leave with at least one zinger. "Why does everybody think you and I had sex? Do you think there's something to it?"

Music montage with House and Wilson... Yay. And bad CGI on kid's gone hand. Nice that they end on Cuddy at home instead of on House for once.



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