Jan 16, 2023 22:03
I figured if a man wants a woman that he would make sure she knows that he is interested. Ask questions. Sneak around to se her. Text her back.
I know I always go after what I want. But now that I’m allow guys to do all the work (I still participate and text them), they are VERY slow to act on anything.
This guy text me a week later. Good conversation. Then at work he talked to me a few times. I think he asked me out. I didn’t realized that he was asking me out and I sort of turned him down. But later, I texted him suggesting a different location. He hasn’t replied. It’s been hours. Prior to this, he was text me nonstop.
Maybe he thinks I’m not interested in him as much as he into me. But I did suggested a different location. He wanted a casino. I suggested skating. No reply. Oh well.
On to the next guy!