There are days when I just feel REALLY dense...

Oct 14, 2002 17:35

I've seen some pretty weird things in my life.

I've done some pretty weird things in my life.

I've scared people half to death with my shapechanger abilities - abilities which furthered the legends and dark tales told amongst the unblessed people (read: Homanans) of my home.

But this world, this "Arda"; this is something new altogether.

This is a strange place indeed.

Su'fali and I attended a wedding recently. I've seen tavern brawls that were tamer....

But the reception; now that was bizarre...

Some person who called herself a "Hibble"? "Hubble"? "Hobbit" had a baby - no twins - right on top of the leg of lamb.

Damn near lost my appetite...

This event caused the bride? groom? broom? to faint, so shi was pretty much out of the action for the rest of the evening.

I've got a LOT to get used to here it seems...

*blurs to hawk-form and flies off*

Maybe rujho is around somewhere; I'd like to talk to someone here who doesn't act like my jehana* does when hitting the whiskey...

*Jehana - "mother"
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