(no subject)

Jul 01, 2005 13:33

Wellesley sent out rooming assignments a few days ago, and I haven't gotten mine yet. Some other girls have, though, and that's just making it worse, because everyone keeps announcing where and who they got, and I'm just like... aaah!

In other news, my brain just imploded. I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas, except that this is worse. If I get a room in the new dorms, I'm going to cry. A lot. They're hideous and on the opposite side of campus from my classes. I wouldn't mind that, except that Wellesley is in Massachusetts, and it snows there. It's also cold. I don't deal well with either. Why the hell did I decide to go to Wellesley? I was going to go somewhere warm! aaaaaaaah! I want to live in Claflin. Or maybe Severance. That would be fantastically awesome in a ten thousand hot dog kind of way. ^^;;

Sandra Day O'Connor is resigning her spot on the Supreme Court. Totally sad. She's the coolest lady in the world, and now she won't be there to keep the Supreme Court as cool as she is. With my luck, she'll be replaced by some right-wing, bigoted creep who adores our lovely president and will do whatever he wants. This sucks. If they make abortion illegal, I'm going to get pregnant and have an abortion just to spite them. Or something. Maybe not. Maybe I'll just protest a lot, because that would make a lot more sense.
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