1st college post

Aug 21, 2006 01:24

Okay, so I abspolutely love college so far- of course, calsses haven't eve started yet, so...

My Dorm room is set up, and really really pretty. Sarah is, as of now at least, the most wonderful roommate. I've made friends with dozens of people- the group of freshman theatre majors, some random people from all across campus, and some of the girls right around in my hall. The girls in the room across the bathroom (that sounds weirs, but there are 2 doors to the bathroom, so they're like across the hall, except it's across the bathroom) Are Sarah and Kiera (except that's not how it's spelled, and I don't know how to actually spell it) and they're positively superb as well- both are on the women's basketball team. The RAs and OLs (Orientation leaders) are wonderful, all of them. have been hanging out rather alot with Matt and Sean- sean came ver and helped to make my computer like the iinternet at rokford- i was having problems, and he fixed them :) We've been really busy so far, all kinds of activites and meetings and meals and such- even, tonight, we all got to go- in trolleys- over to the President of the College's House and he served us ice cream.

Well, after midnight, early satrt tomorrow
off to bed!
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