Sep 12, 2010 00:28
Hello again, Amestris! I'm sure many of you read Captain Bradley's earlier announcement. This is your new First Mate, Zeetha, for those who might have missed it. I'm sure, since I'm skipping straight from being an Entertainer to being your First Mate, many of you have questions, or possibly concerns. That's to be expected. The situation is unusual and I know it. Since I want to get to know all my future coworkers better, I'm going to be in the lounge tomorrow from 0800 through lunch, longer if necessary. Please feel free to stop by and chat. I've made sure there will be food and drinks there as well. Any officers who wish to speak to me privately please contact me and I will schedule something.
I look forward to serving with all of you! I hope we can work together for this ship's continued success.