Apr 08, 2009 22:39
Gunners, man your posts! The planes have started to target the ship's guns...trying to take them out before the main ship comes in range. Use your smaller ammunition to try to ward the planes off for as long as possible. Use it sparingly until the main ship comes fairly close, then hit it with everything you got.
They're the only ones who can move, so as soon as you get your first big shot off they can move back out of range. The closer they are when we start firing the longer it will take them. Our engines are already damaged so we might as well take on some more. We're already on the ground, but if they crash it will be worse for them and they know it. Old Paintbeard wouldn't have asked for a surrender if he had liked the idea of engaging us. He'd rather not get his ship close unless he has to.
People manning the hidden guns- don't engage the planes or make your positions obvious until you think the main ship is within range.
Try to mind Ichigo's plane if you can- give him some cover if he needs it.