Oct 09, 2010 02:31
Okay guys, listen up! We're going to be landing in Bydan shortly, and two gentlemen are going to be boarding the ship, Fyodor Kalinev and Lev Bazarov. They're representatives of the Mayor of Bydan, and they're coming aboard to 'observe the ship' and 'represent Bydan's interests', which sounds very dignified and I'm sure is nothing like 'spying on you' and 'trying to bribe somebody'. So, we're all going to be on our best behavior when our honored guests arrive, wining, dining, entertaining and not offending anyone. Everything ship-shape, uniforms looking nice. We want to make the ship look good. I think I'm making myself clear, here.
[Filtered to Coordinators and Entertainers and Cooks]
Entertainers, get some material together. Since it's short notice I think we could try a variety show, short acts strung together should be easy, and give you the flexibility to cut stuff that can't get polished or at least presentable in time. We're going to want to have some good food available during the variety show intermission too, and we'll also want to be prepared for some formal dinners.
[Filtered to Security]
Keep an eye out for our guests, and another one on them. Post someone near the gangplank to make sure nobody comes aboard you haven't looked over. And step up patrols generally. We want no trouble while our guests are here.
ship's business