1. Leave me a comment saying, 'Interview me.'
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.
tm_northstar's questions.
1. Favourite wine?
I don't drink it enough to have one. Wine isn't really one of my favorites; I never care to drink enough to get drunk, and I'm usually not very impressed by the taste of it. I like things that I can drink until I forget my name, preferably with ice cream.
2. Do you ever wish you had superpowers?
Not unless someone is in trouble. I'd like to be more helpful when Peter and Nathan are fighting to save the world. I've thought about how much easier our lives would be if I was like them, and could go off and chase after the bad guys, but...who would stay home with Henry and Lexie? It's easier that I don't have that responsibility and don't have to worry about where my place is. I know that I belong at home taking care of them.
I also like never having to worry about controlling an ability. I've seen Peter struggle not to explode, so seriously, no thank you. I do not want to have to worry about levitating at the wrong time or disappearing when I'm having sex.
3. Is it easier to bond with your blood children than adopted ones?
No. You would think that it would be, but I'm as clueless with Lexie as I was when Henry first moved in with us. I think you always need some time to adjust to a child's personality. It was easier to take care of Henry because he was older, so I knew what he wanted when he was upset. He could tell me. Lexie can't do that, and crying only gets her so far.
Emotionally, I still feel just as connected to Henry. He needs me as much as Lexie does. I love him just as much as I love Lexie. I think he learns a lot of different behavioral traits from me, even though we don't look alike. Blood isn't what connects you to your children. Love is.
4. If I was really bad for John, would you tell me?
I would, because honestly, I'd want you to fix it. I'd probably give you a list of suggestions on how to fix it. And then not-so-casually but somewhat-politely ask every once in a while and make sure you were trying to be better for him.
5. Do you ever wish you'd fallen in love with someone besides Peter?
I wish being in love with Peter didn't mean having to take on the problems of the whole world. I don't regret falling in love with Peter, or having a family with him. I'd just change his priorities if I could. He doesn't realize how hard it is to be constantly left at home while he risks his life for everyone else. I can't make him understand that it wears me down sometimes. I can tell him, but he doesn't live it, so he doesn't know.
I guess talking to you has made me realize that we're all capable of loving more than one person. Looking back at the people in my life before I met Peter, I think I closed myself off from men who I could have fallen in love with. I felt like I couldn't offer anything to a partner in the long run. I do think of what might have been if I'd tried, but I think that's normal.