The Beginning of the End (Party RP Thread)

Apr 06, 2007 11:28

Steve wanders the party in a daze. Everyone looks so happy here. People who have been dead for years, in his universe, are alive again. Hank and Jan are happily together (he never hit her in this universe, he remembers). Valeria Richards has grown up to be a lovely, polite, extraordinarily intelligent young woman, despite all of the danger constantly facing her family. Hank McCoy is furless and joyful. Even Domino and Wolverine have a stable family life. And Pyro, a member of the Brotherhood, is here reformed enough that they’ve let him act as a bodyguard for the twins.

The twins Steve thinks, for the first time. Tommy is his son in this universe - his biological child. And both of them have been like sons to him, here - or at least close nephews. But when they go back to the real world, they’ll return to their team, and he’ll return to a jail cell, and he may never see them again.

Steve tries to plaster on his trademark smile, to greet everyone with his normal friendliness. But every time he notices something else that’s going to change - something else that will be made worse when the world switches back - he’s hit by a new wave of sadness. You’re not hurting these people by changing the world back, he reminds himself. Wanda hurt them by pulling them here. None of this is real. You’re just making it right again..

He knows he has to do this. He won’t waver on that conviction. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy.


Jean hates everybody here. She's decided on hating them. That makes this all easier.

It isn't like her own reality is perfect but, well, it's reality, and this is just some stupid shared illusion. And it is stupid. As far as she can tell, everybody here has turned into a weirder, more annoying, or self-parodic version of themselves. Domino is a soccer mom. Logan is a . . .whatever he is in this universe. A happily settled husband who only occasionally goes on secret missions and, as far as Jean can tell, doesn't have any interest in her at all. Well, that's Wanda's doing. This is all Wanda's doing. Wanda is obviously, madly jealous of her. She's taken half the Phoenix, tried to turn Jean into her housewife. Scott doesn't have anything to do with her in this life. Rachel is nowhere to be seen, and trying to pretend that she's a mother to Wanda's obnoxious psionic brats isn't any substitute. Wanda has taken all the people Jean cares about away from her. The woman is obviously jealous as hell of Jean's life.

I hate her, Jean thinks. I want to wipe her off the face of the earth. Of course, that doesn't exactly explain having sex with her this afternoon. Initiating sex, even knowing what was really happening. Well, she's taken advantage of me enough. She's taken advantage of everyone. She ought to know how it feels. But then -- rather to Jean's satisfaction -- Wanda really doesn't seem to know. With just a little help from the Phoenix, Jean managed to calm Wanda down, to the point that Jean's pretty sure she's not aware of anything beyond the details of this manufactured reality. That will do, for now.


Wanda has a tendency to overanalyze the smallest things. She worries there isn't enough food for everyone - or else too much of the wrong thing and not enough of the right. She wonders what everyone thinks of the decor. She is concerned the guests will miss the book she laid out for them to sign - or maybe they won't want to sign it - or maybe they'll be scared. After all, she had no idea what to write and Tony and Steve are her closest friends. And what was she thinking putting the twins in charge of the music?

However, everyone seems to be having a good time. There's her sister and her husband, chatting with Simon and Carol. Young Franklin Richards falling over himself to bring punch to his date. Wanda sees his little sister (Valeria, she remembers), following her son Tommy up the stairs. John watches as well, a smile pulling at his lips. Her fears are unfounded. Everything is just as it should be.

If only she could get past the sense of impending doom that threatens to consume her....


As far as Tony is concerned, the day couldn't be going any better. Tiny roadblocks of the wannabe-supervillain variety aside, this is about as perfect an anniversary as he could ask for. He smiles across the room at Steve.

They really are a couple of lucky guys.

OOC -- This is the post, obviously, for the two power couples (heh) at the anniversary party. Anybody who wants to interact with Steve, Jean, Wanda, or Tony at the party can do it here.

friend:steve, plot:house of tm, friend:tony, friend:jean, featuring:rp

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