TM 187: Relief, Vindication or Revenge?

Jul 14, 2007 11:24

[ooc: Wanda has been with Dr. Strange undergoing psychic sorcerous dream therapy sessions on the astral plane (ongoing RP) and they have found that Wanda has been a puppet to the Beyonder for some time now (for the record, this is speculation inserted into the TM timeline, not canon). Let's revisit Avengers Disassembled with this new information in hand.]

There is no relief. No vindication. There is only revenge.

There is no release. No justification. There is only revenge.

Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!

They stand before you. Beside you. Your closest friends. Your lovers. Your family.

Enemies all.

Mommy! Remember me! Mommy!

They do not care about you. They were meant to protect and they destroyed. They were meant to give and they took. They were meant to love and they lied.

It is your turn now. Your turn to lie, to take and to destroy.

Mommy! Don't let them kill us! Mommy!

It's inside you, waiting. All the power you need. Rip out their heart, break their soul. Disassemble them.

Do it for your family. For your children. For yourself.

Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!

Do it now, Wanda. Now, while they are looking away. Now, while they are content. Now, while they are ordered. Set aside hope and embrace reprisal. Set aside faith and embrace wrath. Bring your power to bear and let chaos reign.

There is no relief. No vindication. There is only revenge.

community:theatrical muse, group:avengers

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