TM 182: You Won an Award!

Jun 11, 2007 10:39

I won an award. I am Most Truly Evil. My only competition was the robot-hating brat Valeria and she has all of you wrapped around her too-cute-to-be-evil finger (mark my words, she's gonna rule the world some day and then you'll all be sorry you didn't listen to my warnings) so I was a shoo in, really. Thanks, though. I've been trying hard to be evil lately so I'm glad you all appreciate it.

Here's the thing, I was a true heroine for years. Kind, compassionate, good. And what did I get? A lifetime of broken promises and tears. My brother went out of his way to tell me all the reasons he disapproved of me. My husband forgot how to love me. My friends convinced me my children never existed. I never won any awards as a hero. It was my civic duty, my responsibility as a super-powered-person to serve and defend. I more often got called names than any kind of thank you.

Then I lost my mind and lashed out and was maybe a little less than completely good. But I tried to make up for it. I wanted to use my powers for good, I really did. I tapped into your dreams and I made them reality. I just wanted you to be happy and leave me alone. And what thanks do I get for that? My father kills my brother in a fit of rage and someone convinces you all the real world is better. As if this world is any more real. Maybe I overreacted with the whole 'try to destroy the mutant race' thing.

So, I try again. I leave it simple, just one good deed - I save a life. And, once again, you all decide that it was the wrong thing to do. Because the world where you are all at odds with each other and people are killed over outdated ideologies is clearly the one we should all be living in. And this time you convince a cosmic entity to take away my birthright.

Being good gets you nothing but heartbreak.

I decided to stop trying so hard. It wasn't getting me anywhere. If I am supposed to be evil, fine, I'll be evil. You win. And since making that decision?

Emma and Tony keep being inordinately nice to me. My whole cracked family has come together for some ridiculous 'save the crazy girl' intervention. People who have never paid me any mind have come out of the wood work to wish me well. Jean keeps singling me out in her 'don't talk to me' posts and messages which clearly means I'm most important to her. Even Steve has decided to break his rule about not speaking to me and actually apologized to me. I got to go on an all-expenses paid vacation to Disney World. And a bunch of random people have given me an award - an award, by the way, I get to share with my new friend, Sylar.

Being evil is very rewarding.

I hope you're happy. The Wanda you knew loses more power every day, and I am gaining my real powers back. Whatever happens next is all your fault. I wash my hands of the lot of you.

evil!wanda, community:theatrical muse

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