Wanda had been at X-Corp for two days. She'd
visited briefly with Pietro and Lorna had retrieved her and set her up with Dr. Cecilia Reyes to be tested. She'd had a complete physical and psychological work up.
Confidential Medical File: Wanda Maximoff (Lensherr)
[Property of X-Corporation Labs; Dr. Cecilia Reyes]
Name: Wanda Maximoff
Alias: Scarlet Witch, Wanda Frank
Race: homosuperior
Gender: female
Birthday: undisclosed
Father: Erik Lensherr
Mother: Magda Lensherr
Siblings: Pietro Maximoff, Lorna Dane, Abby Parker
Height: 1.71 M
Weight: 44.5 kg
Hair: auburn
Eyes: green
Mutation: controls chaotic fields
Next of Kin: Pietro Maximoff
Current Medications:
Primary Physician: Stephen Strange
Emergency Contact: Lorna Dane
Marital Status: widowed
Education: home schooled; "chaos magic"
Occupation: N/A
Employer: N/A
Affiliations: Brotherhood of Mutants (inactive), Avengers (inactive), West Coast Avengers (inactive)
Medical Evaluation:
poor physical health: low body weight, low blood pressure
Psychological Evaluation:
Diagnosis: Residual Schizophrenia
x insomnia
x psychotic manifestations
x social isolation
x difficulty integrating thoughts, feelings and behavior
x grossly disorganized behavior
x depersonalization
Wanda has a history of psychosis (Please see attached files forwarded by Stark,Tony). Documented evidence of hallucinations. Never in treatment - no medications prescribed due to unknown side-effects due to her mutation.
Describes herself as "empty". Very open with psychologists, however says little - speech is lacking in spirit or descriptors. Emotionless. Matter of fact. Some indication of rage issues - hidden anger turned both inward and outward. Awkward around both her twin and younger sister. No interest in her situation. Unapologetic for Decimation. Possibly depressed.
Additional Notes: tests indicate mutation is suppressed not absent; linked to blood relatives - possible with assistance powers can be recovered ? More testing required, evaluation of family suggested ASAP. Medication indicated. Therapy strongly recommended.
Note [Locked to Grey,Jean, Grey,Rachel, Stark, Anthony]: Claims to be host for Phoenix. Residual energies detected. Strong caution indicated.
The findings were both hopeful and frightening. Dr. Reyes had discussed everything with Lorna and had requested a full work-up of all members of Wanda's family. Lorna agreed for herself and declined for Pietro, who refused to set foot at X-Corp and had
left France and returned to the Institute to see Emma Frost. She explained she'd approach Abby after her new sister
met with their father.
But Lorna had just called and explained Magneto himself wanted to come to the lab to hear the results of Wanda's tests and see Wanda. Dr. Reyes checked with Wanda to see if this was acceptable but she had barely noticed, Reyes took her distracted nod to be acceptance and they all agreed to meet.
[ooc: RP for
erikscordelia and anyone else who has a reason to drop by the X-Corp lab! Lorna kinda really wants
cause_havok to show up ;)]