
May 17, 2005 12:34

I see a lot of people these days putting so much vigour and time into finding love and it upsets me. All my friends and myself have all wept and hurt and bled because of the way that society upholds this idea of something that can make your life complete and swirl you up into the most amazing feeling you have ever had. I can’t take it anymore. Everyone out there, stop hating yourself, stop searching for this materialized idea of love. That kind of love is a myth. It seems everyone has this idea/fantasy about what love is and are clinging to this false hope that is eventually destroying these beautiful people. Our lives aren’t Disney movies, they are much better. I’m not saying there is no such thing as love, just that the visions and fantasies that we imagine love to be is an illusion.
Love won’t save you. Love won’t take you away or make you a different person. It won’t make everything in your life perfect.

All my life I have said, and heard my friends say, that they hate their parents but the honest truth is, I am sure they did the very best they could do. How could you possibly ask anymore from someone? That’s love.

So before you start getting miserable and hating yourself because you can’t find “love”, just think about whether it’s all that important. Everything you do in this world will manipulate its course and shape peoples lives, there is not greater power than that.

If you look for the Easter Bunny, you will not find him, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t find Easter eggs.

Obviously I was totally made for readers digest. hehe
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