Mar 27, 2010 00:23
I hate it. For the past three years every spring/summer I have gotten it. First time was by accident didn't even know we had in in the yard. Then I was in the back where it's a bit more like a forrest in spots. But I swear I was in the back yard for all of 2 minutes to dump the clean up from the front yard. Then 2 days later I want to peel my skin off so it stops itching so much.
Normally I get it up & down my arms but this time it started of my left hand. Which hurts everytime you bump it & hit it. Then it spreads. But the worst spot it goes to is between my thumb & forefinger. The other day I wanted to cut my hand off, I thought that would be better then the itching & pain.
I wonder with summer coming which will be worse to deal with, poison ivy or sunburn?
real life