Broke and Busy

Jun 19, 2007 09:55

Yes, I've been somewhat of a Annie-Gone-AWOL lately on livejournal,the reason being that any free time I have lately I've been trying to write articles.  It's been really hard because after five years of being in university, I write like an academic, and it's very hard to break out of that and write in a more fact-based, journalistic form.  One of the Toronto blogs are currently hiring new staffers, and I'm trying to get together a package for them.  It would be wonderful if I got the experience--the pay wouldn't be much, but having something on top of what I already make would be a great bonus.

Speaking of which, I'm damn broke.  I actually feel like I have less money now than I did when I was a student (probably because I usually had scholarships buoying me through).  Ever since Jeremy and I started dating (which was over a year ago--we celebrated our first year anniversary a couple weeks ago.  :D)  we've been kind of living high on the hog, going to lots of restaurants and bars and such.  As we both come from lame-ass rural areas, I think we're still a little bit dazzled by all the wonderful things that a big, cultural city like Toronto has to offer.  And this month, after paying for a dress for a cousin's wedding, an upcoming drawing class (starting this Thursday) and tickets to the Stratford festival, Beth is, how you say, broke.  For the first time in a very long time, I can't pay off my credit card without breaking into my savings (I've been trying to be very conservative about that--socking away 15% of my earnings every month).

I've always liked to think of myself as being a good saver, and looked down on many of my cousins who are always living beyond their means.  I think it's a terrible pattern of consumption to get into.  But that said, it was much MUCH easier to save money in butt-fuck nowhere than it is in a place like Toronto.  Plus I have additional living expenses that were never an issue when I was a student, such as new furniture, plus my rent is the most expensive I've ever paid (well worth it--I love our apartment).

It's also making me a little bitter about my salary.  Oh it's not bad.  I won't go into specifics but I think it's a good start, but when you've worked as hard as I have for so long, it's kind of disappointing to end up on a receptonist's salary.

Anyway, I'm trying to live frugally until the end of the month, and I made a pledge to myself to only spend what's in my wallet ($80) until then.  (Which I've already realized is impossible, as I have to pay for a new haircut, a wedding gift, and transportation to London for this damn wedding.  God I hate what a money sink weddings are!).

On that note, I'm also looking into a new gym membership.  I've got the selection down to three, and I have to admit I'm leaning towards the most expensive package--not only is it on my way home, but the change room has a sauna and steam room--quelle luxe!  My cheapest option would be to go with the subsidized gym at the university, but it's ugly, cavernously huge, and ten minutes in the wrong direction, so any savings would likely be eaten up in subway fare anyway.

Speaking of which, what is wrong with people?  The concept of paying sky-high fees to spend 30 mintues running on a treadmill and taking a subway home (thereby saving yourself a 30 minute walk) is ludicrous (also buying a stairmaster and then taking the escalater.  I love that one too).  The one irritating thing about the gym I'm thinking about is that it's on the fourth floor, requiring a long wait at the elevator--the stairwell was nowhere in sight.  Because you wouldn't want to work up a sweat on the way to the gym?!   Again I say, what is wrong with people?
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