May 01, 2004 15:11
Actually, they kind of already made a movie. Well, not a movie about me-I only showed up for about five seconds in it, tops-but about Transformers in general, which I guess kind of counts. But anyway, if they made a movie about me instead of all of us in general, I guess it’d be in the same genres as that one-action and sci-fi. I think those two genres are kind of hard to avoid when you’re dealing with giant robots and a million-year old civil war, although I guess the ‘fiction’ part of science fiction would be kind of misleading. Or not, seeing how they always seem to change the historical stuff in movies. They might not have to change too much if they ever made a movie, though; there’s been plenty of explosions and firefights in my life that would fit perfectly into any of those summer blockbusters. I think most of my life has been action movie, actually. The first million years or so wasn’t as…uh, exciting, I guess, although I’m not really sure that’s the right word of it…but after that, I’ve been in plenty of situations that would be right at home in a movie theater. But there might also be a bit of comedy in it, too-I mean, my life hasn’t been just one big battle after another. There’s funny stuff that happens in between, and I guess it’d show up fairly often, too. And some horror, because that’s the only way that I can describe some of the stuff, and…yeah, some horror thrown in there, too. It’d have a lot of genre crossing, I guess, but the main ones would be action and sci-fi. As for who would play me…hm. Rusti says I sound like that radio guy, Casey Kasem, so I guess he’d be a good choice. For the parts where I’d be speaking english, at least-if there were any parts where I was speaking cybertronian, I think they’d have to use a haywire radio or something. That’s just for my voice, though. For how I’d actually look in the movie, they’d probably have to use special effects or animation and a lot of stunt cars. Lots and lots of stunt cars.