What a week it's been...

Aug 17, 2006 14:10

Well, I just got out of the hospital... AGAIN.
This time, it was just for 23 hour observation.
But still, I was admitted, and put into a room.
A bad room.
With two other men, both very old and neither could hear worth a shit.
So the TV was blaring, and everyone who came into the room to talk to those guys had to really SPEAK UP in order to be heard.
And there I lay, with a migraine from hell, and a nauseated stomach.
It was terrible.
And the nurses, while nice, weren't very efficient this time.
Instead of say, 4 hours apart for med doses, they'd end up getting around to it at about the 5 or even 6 hour mark.
And they had a lot of trouble with my veins.
So they stuck me up pretty good; taking blood, and fixing up my IV.
But whatever.
So I've got some upcoming appointments with my current doctor, and then with the neuro people.
Basically, they're all really worried because my Dad's Dad had terrible headaches most of his life, and then ended up dying at a young age due to an aneurysm.
That has my Father really spooked, no doubt.
Mom spent a lot of time with me while I was there, and Dad and Brent stopped in when they could, just to check me out and see how I was.
My aunt also dropped by for a while, and I was very pissy, tired, cranky and in pain, so I wasn't too pleased to see her.
She's always got some holistic approach to things, and she loves to talk.
Mom at least knew not to talk to me a bundle while she was there, just keep me company.
I just laid there.
Focusing on a spot on the overhead, listening to the old TV, because I really had no choice.
Every time we'd get them to turn it down, it would slowly inch back up and up, until, again, someone would have to say, "please turn that down sir, blah blah blah... "
I'm just glad to be home.
I still haven't kept down any solid food, but I think I'll be fine.
I did have some jello.

And to top things all off, we had to have our cat put down Monday morning.
He'd been sick for a long time, and getting sicker, and had lost about half his body weight (18 lbs to 9 lbs) puking up this vile, black stuff, that smelled terrible.
The vet said yeah, it's probably the best thing to be done.
And we agreed.
He's now buried at one end of our garden :(
But at least he's close to home.

I'm really tired and weak, so I think I'm going to get back to laying down.
But I just wanted you all to know that I am alive, I'm feeling better, and hopefully we'll have some answers, soon.

Love you all, and will talk more soon.
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