My Friday

Oct 20, 2005 15:15

Hey y'all, what's up?
I'm about to put a cap on this work-week, myself.
Lucky-ass-me has tomorrow OFF! :)
Yay me!
There's 15 minutes left to kill, and that's exactly what I'm doing.

So tell me a story?
Anyone got anything good?
I've got a real knee-slapper for ya, but I don't know if I have the time.
Long story short I had an ass-exam, Tuesday.
That's right, a sigmoidoscopy(sp?).
And let me tell ya, it HURT!
They don't give you anything for the pain.
They just stuck the camera up there and that was that.
Of course, the pain was crazy.
And it wasn't a pain in my ass, oddly enough.
It was in my stomach.
I thought I was going to cramp myself to death, it hurt so much.
But then it was over, and I went home for the rest of that day.
I'm waiting on the results of a biopsy to find out what exactly is wrong.
Apparently, I have an abnormal colon.
Funny that.
I figure it explains why I'm a terrible bottom, hehe.
That's not science fact, but hey, it fills the void, and answers a long-time question about why butt-sex just never worked well for me.
Ok, so it doesn't answer shit, but I can think it does, so BITE ME!

Anyway, time is up.
I need to get home.
This week is SO OVER!

L8r Ladies and Gents.
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