To ease my feelings of inadequacy as an artist, and based on an idea that popped into my head the moment I woke up, I have decided to do my best to do at least one doodle each day. Maybe some of the doodles will be worthy of finishing. ^_^ And it will keep my mind fresh. If I have any unfinished pictures, I tend to feel obligated to work on them if I want to draw. o_O Then if I don't feel like working on them, I just don't end up drawing.
No, not everything that goes on in my head makes sense, even to me. =_=
Yeah, I have a problem with project management. ^^; I need to finish this one picture that has a really good start, but it has been intimidating me to go beyond the point it's at. And I have another picture that I even started "inking" but never went to fix a particular problem with it and it came to a halt.
Anybooze, as long as I do my doodles on the computer, since I lost the power cord for my scanner, I'll be posting them into my deviantART scraps. (
here's my page, if you want to see) And I guess, I'll post them here too if there seems to be interest. =,=
My inspiration for drawing occasionally needs a big jump start. I won't say what my last one was (how mysterious~!), but definitely the housefire killed it good and dead, and it's been barely limping back to life since then. There've been some blips on the EEG, but it's highly unlikely that the same thing that gave me juice before is going to happen again. I'm going to have to pursue other means on my own.
My poor drawing muse can't survive disasters and bipolar episodes. Oddly enough, my writing muse can for the most part. But anyway. Let's see if I have time for a doodle before work. ^____^ She's in my head, this doodle...