Jun 30, 2005 19:53
well dis summa has been mad gay, i miss ma baby like crazy.....no mata wat i do an how occupied i may be, ma world seems empty....i neva knew how much i truly loved her until now, ma heart beats for dat grl...its so bad that even ma mom notices i'm jus not the same without her...erybody keeps doubtin me an puttin things in ma track in hopes that i'll fall over an fail, but i'm in to deep to let a silly thing like dat interfear, i really hope dat all dis stress an hurt is gonna be worth it at the eend wen she comes back..damn i got 2 more months to go an i jus dont know know how ima do it, hopefully wen i start workin an cheerleadin starts up time will go by fast...i jus wanna give shout outz to all ma peeps dats been der for me dis past week...nina,sammy,tashi,an andrea i love ya'll to death....well ihope dis summa turns out alright....leave me some love ~*MUAH*~