
Jul 05, 2007 20:39

Xodar, Prince of Barsoom (dator_xodar) wrote in sf_muni,
@ 2007-07-05 20:11:00

Sanfrancisco community post :Trying to help

Were you in Dolores Park last night? $20k reward!!

Please help the drummer of Tinkture

Were you in Dolores Park (San Francisco) last night? PLEASE HELP OUT!!

Roisin (pronounced Row-Sheen) Isner, drummer for the San Francisco band Tinkture lost her hand in Dolores Park last night watching the fireworks. Her dad sent the email below to some local media outlets...

Subject: Roisin Isner, Tinkture drummer

I am Roisin's father. July 4th, Roisin and friends were in Dolores Park watching fireworks. Some stupid piece of shit threw an M60 at them. It landed on Roisin's right hand and blew it apart. She will undego surgery later this morning but it doesn't look good. Most likely she will lose her index finger; second and third fingers will also be permanently impaired and disfigured. Needless to say, her musical career is over.

I want this fucker. Media attention will help flush him out. People know who did it and I'm offering $20,000 for a name. Please do whatever is necessary to get the story out. Do so and I will reward you as well.

Thank you,
Chris Isner

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2007-07-06 03:22 am UTC (link) Select
dude, wrong community fool

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2007-07-06 03:23 am UTC (link) Select
If there is a chance that someone was there from this community I think it was worth a post.

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2007-07-06 03:25 am UTC (link) Select
nah fool you're just spamming it up

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2007-07-06 03:28 am UTC (link) Select
She lost. HER. HAND. Dude, have some heart.

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2007-07-06 03:29 am UTC (link) Select
He obviously has none

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2007-07-06 03:29 am UTC (link) Select
it happens, not like the dude ran off with it and they'll be able to reattach it

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2007-07-06 03:31 am UTC (link) Select
Try Reading the post.

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2007-07-06 03:36 am UTC (link) Select
Thanks for your response

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2007-07-06 03:29 am UTC (link) Select
Look if it were your fiend and something like this happened would you at least try?

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2007-07-06 03:30 am UTC (link) Select
i wouldn't bother other people about it

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2007-07-06 03:31 am UTC (link) Select
That is cold

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