Statements @ Commuting Libby

Jul 03, 2007 13:23

These following words reflect the voice of those who wish to lead us.

Barack Obama today released the following statement on President Bush's decision to commute the sentence of Scooter Libby.

"This decision to commute the sentence of a man who compromised our national security cements the legacy of an Administration characterized by a politics of cynicism and division, one that has consistently placed itself and its ideology above the law. This is exactly the kind of politics we must change so we can begin restoring the American people's faith in a government that puts the country's progress ahead of the bitter partisanship of recent years."

Senator John Edwards released the following statement today about President Bush commuting Scooter Libby's prison sentence.

"Only a president clinically incapable of understanding that mistakes have consequences could take the action he did today. President Bush has just sent exactly the wrong signal to the country and the world. In George Bush's America, it is apparently okay to misuse intelligence for political gain, mislead prosecutors and lie to the FBI. George Bush and his cronies think they are above the law and the rest of us live with the consequences. The cause of equal justice in America took a serious blow today."

Senator Clinton issued the following statement on President Bush’s decision to commute the sentence of Scooter Libby:

"Today's decision is yet another example that this Administration simply considers itself above the law. This case arose from the Administration's politicization of national security intelligence and its efforts to punish those who spoke out against its policies. Four years into the Iraq war, Americans are still living with the consequences of this White House's efforts to quell dissent. This commutation sends the clear signal that in this Administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice."

Now over the hedge....

Grant of Executive Clemency

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

WHEREAS Lewis Libby was convicted in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia in the case United States v. Libby, Crim. No. 05-394 (RBW), for which a sentence of 30 months' imprisonment, 2 years' supervised release, a fine of $250,000, and a special assessment of $400 was imposed on June 22, 2007;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, pursuant to my powers under Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, do hereby commute the prison terms imposed by the sentence upon the said Lewis Libby to expire immediately, leaving intact and in effect the two-year term of supervised release, with all its conditions, and all other components of the sentence.

Rudy Giuliani’s Statement on Lewis Libby
Mayor Rudy Giuliani released the following statement on Lewis Libby:

"After evaluating the facts, the President came to a reasonable decision and I believe the decision was correct."

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) has issued the following statement in response to President Bush commuting the sentence of Lewis “Scooter” Libby:

”I think the President acted appropriately in exercising his power of clemency for Scooter Libby. As the President noted, Mr. Libby still has to pay his fine of $250,000 and serve two years of probation. The President acted compassionately towards Mr. Libby, his wife, and children, while showing respect for the judicial process.”

Senator McCain .. No statement I could find...

Ron Paul Press Release

Ron Paul Campaign First to Provide iPhone Platform

The Ron Paul 2008 presidential campaign today became the first campaign to launch an iPhone platform. This new platform will allow iPhone users to access the campaign’s Web 2.0 applications, such as social networking tools and online videos, directly from their iPhones.

Wow NEAT!!

Former Senator Fred Thompson.. No statement.

Republican president candidate Mitt Romney,

who denied every pardon or commutation during his term as Massachusetts governor, said Thursday a pardon for former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby deserves a close examination.

"I took a careful review during my term as governor of the people that were brought forward. That doesn't mean I pardoned them, but I took a careful review. I think this deserves a very careful review," Romney told The Associated Press in a brief interview.

Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, was convicted in March of lying to investigators and obstructing Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's inquiry into the 2003 leak of a CIA operative's identity. A federal judge said Thursday he will not delay a 2 1/2-year prison sentence for Libby in the case.

Speaking with reporters earlier in Chicago, Romney was asked about the possibility of a pardon.

"I think the prosecutor may well have abused prosecutorial discretion by pursuing the investigation after he had learned that the source of the leak was Richard Armitage," Romney said. "He knew that there was, therefore, not a crime committed and yet, he proceeded with the investigation knowing that there was no crime to pursue.

That is all I could find concerning Presidential Candidates.
Any other Info would be appreciated.
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