Again some meme...

Apr 06, 2007 00:54

Snagged at xfirefly9x 's.

The Challenge:
Assemble a superteam from your favorite films, TV shows, books etc. Your team must consist of the following:

Team Leader
Comic Relief

All your superteam members must be from DIFFERENT sources.

My Team:

Team Leader/Warrior: Jack O'Neill (SG-1) or/and L.J.Gibbs (NCIS) or/and John Sheridan (B5)
Smartypants: MacGyver ^^
Hottie: Harmon Rabb (JAG)
Comic Relief: Data (TNG)

Just can't decide who should be the leader and who should be the warrior. All three could take over those roles. Come to think of it each of them could also take over the role as the "Hottie" *sighs*

These last few days I finished a workshop for my project in the current semester. Was fun - albeit a bit long. At least the next few days I'm free as a bird and can be a bit creative. I started today with changing my profile. Must say I like it ^^ Its quite "pink" - but I like it a lot. Tomorrow I will finally see to it, that I get my mood theme uploaded. Unfortunately some of the moods are still missing. But I have an idea with whom I will fill these gaps! As most of you can guess - my current obsession ^^ Speaking of which - I finished season 1 of MacGyver today! God I wish I own the other seasons. Well maybe in a few weeks I can afford the other 2 seasons available. RDA is just looking hot in the first season of MacGyver. The haircut, the shirts and so on... I mean who isn't drooling at that? Even in a tux he looks forbidden *faints*

Maybe in the next few days I will post some more caps. At least if some of you want to see them, heh.

And do you believe it? I still wasn't at the cinema *sniffs* Want to see 300! Damn it! And now I have to wait until Tuesday :( That just sucks.

Well, now I'm going to watch another SG-1 episode and then I'm off to bed.

movie:cinema, stuff:meme, personal:uni, creative:journal, tv-series:macgyver, personal:life, actor:rda

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