Nov 30, 2004 09:38
Ok, apparently the last post didn't go through due to lj being shitty. Too bad. Oh well, wasn't a great post in the first place. To recap: Got our button buck processed. Hopefully I can still find some time to get out in the woods when I'm not too busy or tired. (Good luck). GRCC compy lab smells good today. It's hot in here though. Quote of the week: "I miss you too, and not just because you're good in bed, and the car, and the couch, and the floor." Thanks Ambs, making this one a classy post hah. I got the final Christmas gift I think. It cost me big time, but I think it will be appreciated by my one and only Amber Mohr. Call it a hunch. Okay, now I'm going to start writing my spanish composition about the devil and Daniel Webster. Wish me the tech support kids at GRCC are socially unfit nerds. They are my kind of people!